
Park Avenue Armory

Park Avenue Armory

New York, New York
United States
Park Avenue Armory

TYLin has provided structural engineering services for multiple projects at this 1880s building that is also known as the Seventh Regiment Armory.

TYLins relationship with this 1880s structure began when the firm served as prime consultant in the late 1990s. In 2006, the nonprofit Park Avenue Armory Conservancy leased the facility with plans to operate the facility as an arts center. TYLin worked on the implementation of a multi-phase master plan for the renovation of the Head House, which included preservation and restoration of its historic rooms and the installation of new cores for elevators, stairs, and MEP infrastructure.

The 200-foot-span trusses in the Drill Hall required strengthening to provide greater capacity for theater productions and events. TYLin’s design and implementation of an efficient structural reinforcement scheme demanded close collaboration with the entire design and contractor team.

Work also included an extensive upgrade of upper floors of the Head House and the restoration of the armory’s brick facades. Events and installations continued nearly uninterrupted throughout the renovation.

Image credit: Ajay Suresh / CC by-SA 2.0 (exterior image)

Park Avenue Armory
Lucy G. Moses Preservation Award, 2017
New York Landmarks Conservancy