T.Y. Lin International Wins 2016 APWA Project of the Year Awards for San Diego Bikeway Improvements

T.Y. Lin International (TYLI), a globally recognized, full-service infrastructure consulting firm, announces that the Sweetwater Bikeway, Plaza Bonita Segment, and Bayshore Bikeway Segment 4 have both received 2016 Project of the Year Awards from the American Public Works Association, San Diego/Imperial Chapter (APWA-SD). TYLI served as Prime Consultant to the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) for planning and design on both projects, which are part of the firm’s $25M on-call contract with the regional planning agency. TYLI joined SANDAG in accepting the 2016 Project of the Year Awards at the APWA-SD Awards Luncheon on May 9, 2016.
“T.Y. Lin International is honored to be working with SANDAG on these critically important bikeway projects. Completion of the Sweetwater Bikeway, Plaza Bonita Segment, and the Bayshore Bikeway Segment 4 contributes tremendously to SANDAG’s vision of an interconnected regional bike network that offers alternative transportation solutions and reduces traffic congestion,” said Clark Fernon, P.E., TYLI Vice President.
TYLI’s $25M on-call contract with SANDAG includes the planning, environmental clearance, and final design of numerous transit, rail, highway, bike path, and mixed-use trail projects, with an emphasis on improving mobility throughout the San Diego region. TYLI has since been selected for two additional large on-call contracts with the agency. Project challenges overcome include finding innovative solutions within environmental and right-of-way constraints, achieving community acceptance, and coordinating standards for projects passing through multiple jurisdictions.
About the Sweetwater Bikeway, Plaza Bonita Segment
TYLI served as Prime Consultant for the permitting and design of this Class I bikeway facility, which runs along Plaza Bonita Road adjacent to the Sweetwater River and provides important recreational and commuter access to the Bayshore Bikeway facility and public transit systems. The Sweetwater Bikeway, Plaza Bonita Segment project included construction of a new bike path facility along the western shoulder of Plaza Bonita Road, as well as new parking pop-outs along the eastern shoulder. Scope of work also involved restriping, median reconfiguration, and widening on Plaza Bonita Road in order to accommodate the new eight-foot-wide bike path, as well as a two-foot-wide shoulder and a five-foot-wide buffer zone. Retaining wall design, utility coordination, and drainage design were also key factors in accommodating the improvements.
About the Bayshore Bikeway Segment 4
As Prime Consultant, TYLI provided National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) certification and final plans, specifications, and estimate (PS&E) for Segment 4 of the Bayshore Bikeway, a regional mixed-use facility that will eventually extend 24 miles around San Diego Bay and provide a scenic connection to tourist destinations and bayfront businesses. Segment 4 begins at the main entrance of Naval Base San Diego at 32nd Street and travels to Vesta Street along Harbor Drive, all within the City of San Diego. Bikeway improvements included a permeable Portland cement concrete (PCC) surface, bike path signing and striping, the reconfiguration of two traffic signals, the addition of pedestrian push buttons at multiple traffic signals, drainage improvements, and median and roadway improvements.
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