South Breakwater of the Barcelona Port

TYLin provided the detailed design of the new Southern Breakwater and the restoration of the beach at the mouth of Llobregat River in Barcelona, Spain.
Working for the Port Authority of Barcelona, TYLin designed the new South Breakwater. The new infrastructure is 4,794 m long, and it is divided into three segments.
The first segment is perpendicular to the shore with a short straight alignment and a curve (2,000 m long). The second segment is parallel to the shore (2,100 m long) and has a fully straight alignment. The third segment has a straight alignment of 694 m to get to the port entrance.
Each segment had a different cross-section. The first and the third segments were designed with a slope typology, while the second segment was designed with a vertical cross-section, using 36.08 m long and 24.46 m wide concrete boxes. In total, 58 concrete boxes were used for this segment. They were placed on a 7 m thick embankment.
Project Highlights:
- The bottom of the segments depends on its location and the bathymetry of the area, with a minimum elevation of -19 m in segment 2 and a maximum of -3.5 m in segment 1, close to the shore.
- The breakwater is topped at elevation +11.
- It was necessary to dredge 1,175,000 m3.
- The analysis of the configuration of the port’s entrance considered maneuverability analysis for vessels up to 400 m in length, internal agitation studies, and two-dimensional scale models 1:30.