Our envelope and façade engineering team provides services for all building types, existing or new construction. Our experts develop efficient long-term solutions across a range of envelope types.
On projects of historic significance or those with unique challenges, we often collaborate with subconsultants including laser scanning specialists and industrial rope access firms, especially when dealing with difficult-to-reach exterior elevations. We generate assessments that are used to map the extent of structural elements requiring localized repairs, and in some cases develop new building envelope systems that are compatible with existing materials.
On new construction projects, our envelope services include curtain wall design, blast design, and peer reviews, collaborating with different parties including architects during design phases or specialty fabricators and contractors during construction.
Our licensed professional engineers are also Qualified Exterior Wall Inspectors (QEWIs) with experience working with materials including terra cotta, stone veneer, historic masonry, glazed skylights, aluminum framing systems, and exposed concrete.
Our Buildings team has a diverse range of skills and expertise. We pride ourselves on being innovators and industry leaders in certain specialty areas, including: