Intercity Train Viaducts, Mexico-Toluca

Work Scope
Construction support to the Contractors during execution
Property: Secretary of Communications and Transportation of Mexico (SCT)
Builder: OHL-La Peninsular Joint Venture
Ending Year: 2019
Technical Data
Viaducts 2 and 4: cast in place prestressed concrete box girder built by Movable Scafolding System. Stretch with a bow-string steel arc bridge in viaduct 1E. Precast girder beams
Total length of the stretch: 36 km, incluiding over 30 km. of structures.
Typical span for precast beam spans: 32 m; Typical span for cast in place concrete box girders 55 m viaduct 2 and 64 m viaduct 4; span for bow-string arch bridge 100 m.
Width: 11.50 m.
Maximum height of pier: 74 m viaduct 4.