CLT Taxiway Bridges

TYLin provided design services for two taxiway bridges as part of the Third Parallel Runway program at Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) in Charlotte, North Carolina.
The taxiway bridges allow access to a new runway and accommodate the construction of rail lines and access roads related to CLT’s new intermodal freight facility. Both bridges required widths of 217 feet to meet the requirements for Design Group V aircraft, such as the Boeing 777 and Airbus A340.
TYLin also prepared design documents for the civil, electrical, mechanical, and structural components of a complete Approach Category IIIC Navigational Aid system (NAVAIDs) for both ends of the new runway.
Project Highlights:
- The two single-span taxiway bridges are 91.5 feet long and 77.5 feet long respectively, to allow future rail and vehicular traffic.
- The bridge structures consist of a composite concrete deck on steel plate girders supported on concrete abutments.
- Both ends of the bridges use mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls and 30-foot-long approach slabs.
- The NAVAIDs system included glide slope and localizer antennae, Runway Visual Range (RVR) equipment, emergency generators, and an approach lighting system with sequenced flashing lights (ALSF-II) and tower heights of up to 128 feet.
- TYLin’s design included a fiber optic network to allow the control of NAVAIDs components from the existing air traffic control tower.
- Civil engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Electrical engineering
- Structural engineering