
Ahilan Selladurai, P.E., S.E., PMP, Receives 2017 Arthur L. Elliot Bridge Award from ASCE Sacramento Section

Ahilan Selladurai, P.E., S.E., PMP, Receives 2017 Arthur L. Elliot Bridge Award from ASCE Sacramento Section


T.Y. Lin International (TYLI), a globally recognized, full-service infrastructure consulting firm, announces that Ahilan Selladurai, P.E., S.E., PMP, TYLI Senior Bridge Engineer, has been honored with the Arthur L. Elliott Award for Outstanding Achievement in Bridge Engineering from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Sacramento Section. This award recognizes engineers in the Sacramento Section who have furthered techniques in bridge building, researched bridge design, and provided outstanding service to the profession of bridge engineering.

With more than 14 years of experience in bridge/structural engineering, Selladurai has served on bridge and facilities projects in the United States, Singapore, India, the Republic of Maldives, and Sri Lanka. His work with local agencies on small to largescale structures and design-build projects includes highway bridges, railroad bridges, post-tensioned building structures, and wide range of earth-retaining structures. 

Selladurai was a key member of the team that assisted the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in updating older Load Factor Design (LFD) standard plans to current Standard for Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD)-based standard plans. Among his many TYLI projects, Selladurai served as Lead Bridge Engineer on the Parkway Boulevard Railroad Grade Separation Project in Dixon, California; the Hills Ferry Bridge Seismic Retrofit Project in the County of Stanislaus, California; and the Overlake Pedestrian Bridge Project in Redmond, Washington. He also served as Lead Engineer for the independent check of several tunnel structures for the Los Angeles Modified Field Satellite Project.

“We congratulate Ahilan on winning the Arthur L. Elliott Award for Outstanding Achievement in Bridge Engineering,” said Michael F. Pyrz, P.E., TYLI District Director, Northern California. “Ahilan consistently excels, not only in his structural design work for T.Y. Lin International clients, but also in how he represents the firm and contributes to the transportation industry at large.”  

Selladurai is a licensed structural engineer (California, Washington, and Hawaii) and a licensed civil engineer (California and Washington). He is also certified by the Project Management Institute (PMI) as an accredited Project Management Professional (PMP), and certified as a Bridge Inspector with the Federal Highway Administration.  

Selladurai is currently a member of the NCEES Nationwide Structural Exam committee and the California State Specific Seismic Exam subject matter expert committee. He is also an active volunteer with the NorCal STEM Foundation, which encourages high school students regarding STEM education, and NCEES Speaker’s Link, which advances civil engineering licensing in the industry. 

Photo: Ahilan Selladurai (TYLI Senior Bridge Engineer and Elias Karam (ASCE Sacramento Section President)