Maithilee Das Lappin

Maithilee is passionate about developing water and wastewater infrastructure solutions to improve the quality of life in our communities and create a more resilient climate.
With nearly a decade of experience in the water and wastewater industry, Maithilee's experience includes planning, design and construction services for wastewater collection systems, pumping, treatment as well as water distribution and treatment projects. Maithilee has served as a Project Manager on projects such as combined sewer overflow control facilities for both storage and conveyance, wastewater treatment plant upgrade and expansions, development of asset management programs, strategic planning, tunnel and pump station design, sewer extensions and rehabilitation, digester gas utilization and use attainability analyses. Most recently, she has led the development of Indiana’s first regional Climate Action Plan. Maithilee was recognized as a Top 20 in their Twenties for Indiana in 2022 by the Indianapolis Business Journal. To give back to the water sector, she serves as a Board Member for the Indiana Water Environment Association, co-chairs IWEA’s Editorial, Public Communication and Outreach Committee and is a participating member of the Water Environment Federation’s Service Project Committee.
Professional Affiliations
- Water Environment Federation
- Indiana Water Environment Association
- American Water Works Association
- Keep Indianapolis Beautiful
- American Council of Engineering Companies, Indiana Diversity Committee
Areas of Expertise
- Wastewater collection and combined sewer systems
- Wastewater treatment
- Climate resiliency