
Industrial Buildings for Fertilizers

Industrial Buildings for Fertilizers

Ras Al Khair and Umm Wu'al
Saudi Arabia

Work Scope

Conceptual design, basic design, detailed design and construction engineering of steel structure.​

Property: Saudi Arabian Mining Company (Ma'Aden)​

Builder: Intecsa-Makiber

Ending Year: 2015


Technical Data

Simply-supported steel trussed frames. Frames are 5 m apart, are about 40 high and span 71 m. At about 26 m above the ground a platform provides the running surface for a device (tripper) for transport and placement of stored fertilizers. The buildings' plan dimensions and tripper weights are: Port area: 3 buildings 71x350 m2 and 55 t tripper; Process area: 2 buildings 71x160 m2 and 32 t tripper​

Built area: 97,000 m2​

Steel weight: 14,000 t​

Pictures courtesy of Intecsa Industrial​