Three T.Y. Lin International Projects Named 2020 Project of the Year by California Transportation Foundation

T.Y. Lin International (TYLI), a globally recognized full-service infrastructure consulting firm, announces that three TYLI projects have won Project of the Year in the California Transportation Foundation (CTF) 32nd Transportation Awards competition. The CTF Transportation Awards recognize excellence in California transportation in 2020, all modes, public and private sector, and from all regions of the state.
Los Angeles World Airports' (LAWA) Utility and Landside Access Modernization Program Enabling Project at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) was honored as Aviation Project of the Year. TYLI served as the Prime Design Engineer, successfully delivering 38 different projects over three years to help prepare LAX for future growth.
The South Bay Bus Rapid Transit Project in Chula Vista, California, was named Bus Transit Project of the Year. TYLI completed the final design of Segment 2, comprising close to 1.5 miles of guideway, two stations, and a new two-frame bridge over SR 125. The system emulates rail service by running buses in designated transit lanes and on dedicated guideways to provide reliable, on-time service for users.
The 24th Street Widening Project in Bakersfield, California, won Local Street Project of the Year. TYLI served as the Prime Consultant for final design services to widen two miles of SR 58 and SR 178 (known as 24th Street) through a residential and commercial area of the fast-growing city.
About LAWA's Utility and Landside Access Modernization Program Enabling Project (2020 Aviation Project of the Year):
LAWA's Utility and Landside Access Modernization Program Enabling Project (LULEP) was critical to facilitating the ongoing $5.5 billion Landside Access Modernization Program (LAMP) at LAX in Los Angeles, California. The goal of the combined projects is to improve travelers' experience by reducing congestion points and increasing convenient access to one of the world's busiest airports. TYLI served as the Prime Design Engineer for the $300 million design-build (D-B) contract, successfully delivering 38 different projects over three years. LULEP was fully completed in May 2020.
Key LULEP projects included new roadways and parking facilities, new and relocated underground utilities to serve LAX and the new LAMP facilities, the relocation of the Avis Car Rental Facility (the busiest Avis facility in the world), and the relocation of the Metro City Bus Plaza, among other projects. These projects were required to prepare for the construction of the new Automated People Mover system (APM), Consolidated Rent-A-Car (ConRAC) facility, and Intermodal Transportation Facilities (ITF).
Multiple alternatives and phasing scenarios were developed for most projects to minimize adverse impacts to the traveling public in a very congested environment around LAX.
Key to project success was the close collaboration between TYLI, its subconsultants, the D-B contractor, Myers & Sons-Griffith, A Joint Venture (MGJV), LAWA, the City and County of Los Angeles, LA Metro, and the contractors for the new APM, ConRAC facility, and ITF.
About the South Bay Bus Rapid Transit Project (2020 Bus Rapid Transit Project of the Year):
TYLI was contracted by the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) to complete the final design of Segment 2 of the South Bay Bus Rapid Transit (South Bay BRT) in Chula Vista, California. The project increased convenience and safety for BRT users while bringing aesthetic enhancements to local communities.
Emulating rail service, the 22-mile-long South Bay BRT runs buses in designated lanes and on dedicated guideways to provide reliable, on-time service. The system stretches from the southern part of San Diego County, near the Otay Mesa crossing of the U.S.-Mexico border, to downtown San Diego.
The $20 million Segment 2 project included approximately 1.5 miles of dedicated guideway, the Santa Venetia BRT station, the Otay Ranch Town Center Station, and a new two-frame bridge over SR 125.
TYLI's designs for the stations and bridge used context-sensitive methods, holding user convenience, aesthetics, and community acceptance as high priorities.
The entire South Bay BRT system opened for public use in December 2020.
About the 24th Street Widening Project (2020 Local Street Project of the Year):
TYLI served as the Prime Consultant for final design services for the widening of two miles of SR 58 and SR 178, also known as 24th Street, through a residential and retail/commercial area of fast-growing Bakersfield, California.
Designed to improve traffic flow and drainage, the $30 million project added one lane in each direction, with a shifted roadway alignment in the western half of the project. Widening improvements were also made at the SR 99/SR 58 Interchange, including the construction of a tieback wall and ramp widenings.
The project also incorporated significant landscape and aesthetic improvements in the residential areas. These include new city signage for drivers entering the downtown area and new sound walls to reduce noise pollution. The project was completed in December 2020.
TYLI joined its project partners in accepting the awards at the virtual CTF Transportation Awards ceremony on May 27, 2021.
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