
LAWA On-Call Civil Engineering Design Services

LAWA On-Call Civil Engineering Design Services

Los Angeles, California
United States

TYLin served as the Prime Consultant for a three-year on-call contract for Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) in Los Angeles, California.

Civil engineering design services were provided for proposed capital improvements of various airfield, landside, utility and infrastructure, and terminal projects at three LAWA airports: Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), Ontario International Airport (ONT), and Van Nuys Airport (VNY).  

Over the three-year contract, TYLin completed a total of 16 task orders. Design services comprised site investigation and utilities, plans, specifications, plan checks, quantities, cost estimates, and schedules. 

Project Highlights:  

Task orders for LAWA included: 

Bradley West Off-Airport Traffic Mitigation Projects for Sepulveda - Imperial Highways Intersection Improvements

  • This task required close coordination with to obtain an encroachment permit, in addition a collaborative working relationship with Southern California Edison to relocate existing streetlights. 

Bradley West Off-Airport Traffic Mitigation for Arbor Vitae Street/Aviation Boulevard Improvements at LAX 

  • This task required the approval of the Los Angeles Department of Transportation, City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering, LA Bureau of Street Lighting, and the City of Inglewood for the street widening, relocation of traffic signals, streetlights, and traffic staging.   
  • Active coordination with City of Los Angeles’ Urban Forestry was needed to obtain approval for tree removal. 

Taxiways S and W Intersection Repair at Ontario International Airport 

  • TYLin investigated of the causes of deteriorating pavement and oversaw pavement removal and replacement, including stabilization of the underlying base course and subgrade. 

Continental General Office (GO) Building Demolition 

  • Phase 1 required utilities relocation, including electrical, communications, and gas lines. 

K-9, Bomb Squad Facility, Shooting Range, and Airport Police Building Headquarters 

  • TYLin assisted LAWA with the preparation of the design-build, Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC) procurement document for the entire airport police complex. 



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