The High Line

TYLin provided structural engineering services for an elevated linear park that has become one of Manhattan's most popular tourist destinations.
During Phase I, TYLin surveyed the structure and documented the location, sizes, and variations in elevation of the existing structure and issued repair documents. The full scope of the structural work included the conditions survey, the design of repairs for all steel and concrete elements, and construction administration.
Subsequent phases involved integrating park landscape and design elements into the existing structure in the first section of the park, which stretches from Gansevoort Street to 20th Street. At the completion of Phase III, the second section of the park (between West 20th and West 30th Streets) opened, doubling the size of the High Line. Specific project obstacles included extent and scale of the project, as well as the connections, expansion joints, and the roller bearings that make up the railroad viaduct.
The High Line was originally constructed during the 1930s as part of the New York Central Railroad.