I-94 Connected and Automated Vehicle Corridor

Cavnue is an infrastructure technology company partnering with the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) to advance the mission of MDOT’s Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Program Strategic Plan.
They are developing North America’s first corridor designed around automated vehicle (CAV) technology. The first phase of the project will implement advanced roadway technology for up to 40 miles of I-94 between Detroit and Ann Arbor. Then, when connected vehicle market penetration has increased, the second phase of the project will repurpose a general travel lane and convert it into a managed lane. The dedicated managed lane will serve CAVs and other eligible vehicles with the potential for user fees.
TYLin led the traffic engineering aspects of the project and is providing traffic data collection, forecasting, traffic analysis, and microsimulation modeling services, including the use of HCS and Vissim to model the entire corridor under existing and future conditions for various phases of project completion and identify potential traffic impacts. Over 200 mainline segments, ramps, and weave areas are being analyzed, and the results are being used to optimize the corridor. TYLin is also coordinating with MDOT’s and FHWA’s technical staff on their review of the analysis methodology and results, which are being incorporated into the NEPA documentation.
Image credit: Cavnue LLC