Ted Bluver

Ted is an accomplished project manager and civil engineer with national expertise in the planning, design, and construction of water and wastewater infrastructure, including over 50 miles of mains as well as facilities and facility upgrades with a total construction cost exceeding $1 billion.
Professional Affiliations:
American Water Works Association; Illinois Section American Water Works Association
Areas of Expertise:
Project management, hydraulics, rate studies, master planning, intakes, pumping stations, water and transmission mains, distribution systems, primary water supply infrastructure, collection systems, lift stations, sewers, interceptors, force mains, regulator structures, plant and facility upgrades, contract documents, permitting, funding, and cost opinions.
Publications and Presentations:
- Bluver, Ted. “A ‘Superior’ Intake a Century in the Making: Designing Ashland’s New Lake Superior Water Supply.” Illinois American Water Works Association WATERCON 2024. Peoria, Illinois. April 16, 2024.
- Bluver, Ted. “Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling to Develop Regulatory Constraints and Long-Term Goals.” Illinois American Water Works Association WATERCON 2022. Springfield, Illinois. March 23, 2022.
- Walter, Chris; Bluver, Ted. “Designing 36 Miles of Pipeline for a New Lake Michigan Water Supply.” Illinois American Water Works Association WATERCON 2021. Springfield, Illinois. August 9-11, 2021.
- Walter, Chris; Bluver, Ted. “Pursuing One Water: Insights from Planning a New Water Supply and Return Flow System.” American Water Works Association Annual Conference Exposition 2019. Denver, Colorado. June 9-13, 2019.
- Walter, Chris; Bluver, Ted. “Pursuing One Water: Insights from Planning a New Water Supply and Return Flow System.” American Water Works Association Annual Conference Exposition 2019. Denver, Colorado. June 9-13, 2019.
- Bluver, Ted; Mathieson, Marcus; Proctor, Tatiana; Malafronte, Jean; Hope, Mike. “Simulating Green Infrastructure in Hydrologic and Hydraulic Models.” Water Environment Federation Stormwater and Green Infrastructure Symposium 2019. Fort Lauderdale, Florida. May 8-10 2019
- Richardson, Katie; Bluver, Ted. “Breaking New Ground: Preparing Communities without Direct Benefits for a Large Infrastructure Program.” Illinois American Water Works Association WATERCON 2019. Springfield, Illinois. March 18-21, 2019.
- Bluver, Ted; Romza, Dan. “Thinking Differently: A Synergistic Solution for Nutrient Removal Improvements.” Illinois Water Environment Association Illinois Wastewater Professionals Conference 2019. Springfield, Illinois. February 11-14, 2019.
- Bluver, Ted; Leach, Tim. “Developing Solutions to Meet Regulatory Constraints and Long-Term Goals.” Central States Water Environment Association 91st Annual Meeting 2018. Oak Brook Terrace, Illinois. May 14-16, 2018.
- Bluver, Ted; Leach, Tim. “Developing Solutions to Meet Regulatory Constraints and Long-Term Goals.” Illinois Water Environment Association Illinois Wastewater Professionals Conference 2018. Springfield, Illinois. April 17-18, 2018.
- Bluver, Ted; Leach, Tim. “Developing Solutions to Meet Regulatory Constraints and Long-Term Goals.” Water Environment Federation Collection Systems Conference 2018. Virginia Beach, Virginia. April 8-11, 2018.
- Melcher, Lee; Bluver, Ted. “Planning for Resiliency in Your Water System While Maximizing Use of Existing Infrastructure.” Illinois American Water Works Association WATERCON 2018. Springfield, Illinois. March 19-22, 2018.
- Bluver, Ted; Leach, Tim. “Developing Solutions to Meet Regulatory Constraints and Long-Term Goals.” Illinois American Water Works Association WATERCON 2018. Springfield, Illinois. March 19-22, 2018.
- Bluver, Ted. “Understanding Your System’s Performance: A Pump Station Optimization Study.” Illinois American Water Works Association WATERCON 2017. Springfield, Illinois. March 20-23, 2017.
- Melcher, Lee; Bluver, Ted. “Understanding Your System’s Performance: A Pump Station Optimization Study.” Indiana American Water Works Association 2017 Annual Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana. February 1, 2017.
- Lu, Huijie; Zheng, Xue; Saikaly, Pascal; Nunes, Suzana P.; Bluver; Ted R.; Liu; Wen-Tso. (2016) “Membrane biofouling in a wastewater nitrification reactor: Microbial succession from autotrophic colonization to heterotrophic domination.” Water Research. Vol. 88, pp. 337-345.
- Bluver, Ted R. “Submerged Membrane Reactors: Pilot Operation & Biofouling.” UIUC Environmental Engineering and Science Symposium 2013. Champaign, IL, April 2013.