
Greenspot Road Bridge in Highland, California Wins 2016 Project of the Year Award from American Public Works Association

Greenspot Road Bridge in Highland, California Wins 2016 Project of the Year Award from American Public Works Association


T.Y. Lin International (TYLI), a globally recognized full-service infrastructure consulting firm, announces that the Greenspot Road Bridge, formally named the Jennifer Lynne Brookes Memorial Bridge, in Highland, California, has won the 2016 American Public Works Association (APWA) Project of the Year Award in the Small Cities/Rural Communities: Transportation category. TYLI served as Lead Designer of the bridge and Prime Consultant to the City of Highland for the project approval and environmental document (PA&ED), final plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E), and construction support. The Greenspot Road Bridge opened to traffic on November 11, 2014. TYLI will join its project partners in accepting the Project of the Year Award at the APWA PWX (Public Works Expo) on August 29, 2016 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

TYLI was also responsible for assisting the City of Highland in obtaining Federal Highway Bridge Program funding for the bridge replacement project. This included performing preliminary engineering to establish the project scope and cost estimate; researching the historical significance of an older bridge adjacent to the new construction; compiling the necessary documentation; and preparing and submitting the application package.

The new Greenspot Road Bridge is a four-lane, three-span prestressed concrete box girder that spans 270 feet across the Santa Ana River. The bridge was constructed on an adjacent alignment to the two-lane Santa Ana River Iron Bridge, an 83-year-old, load-restricted structure too narrow to safely allow two opposing standard-sized vehicles to cross at the same time. The project preserved and rehabilitated the highly prized steel landmark for pedestrian, bicycle, and equestrian uses.

Featuring realigned approaches to accommodate minimum design standards and able to carry legal loads, the replacement bridge provides four 12-foot-wide vehicular lanes and an eight-foot-wide shoulder on each side. The bridge is currently striped for two lanes until the ultimate four-lane facility is constructed. The project required temporary and permanent right-of-way acquisitions to accommodate construction and an improved approach roadway width of 40 feet. Construction was designed to minimize impacts on the travelling public, with the old bridge remaining open until the new bridge was completed. All work was reviewed and approved by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).

“The new Greenspot Road Bridge greatly enhances public safety and will enable future roadway expansion and utility crossings that will benefit local communities for decades to come,” said Clark Fernon, P.E., TYLI Vice President. “The T.Y. Lin International team is very pleased that the American Public Works Association has honored the project and the City of Highland with the Project of the Year Award.”

In addition to this national award, the Greenspot Road Bridge also received the 2015 Project of the Year Award, Small Cities/Rural Communities category, from both the Southern California and Inland Empire Chapters of APWA.