
IH-35 NEX Central Section wins 2022 Going Digital Award from Bentley Systems

IH-35 NEX Central Section wins 2022 Going Digital Award from Bentley Systems

Company News
IH-35 project award

TYLin is excited to announce that the IH-35 Northeast Expansion (NEX) Central Section project took top spot in the Bridges & Tunnels category as part of The Year in Infrastructure and Going Digital Awards from Bentley Systems. The awards program is a global competition to recognize digital advancements in infrastructure.

Collaboration was the key to success. The team, led by Ferrovial Construction and Alamo Nex Construction, connected TYLin’s experts in Panama (lighting, integrated transit systems, and bridge and wall modeling) with our brand partners GPO Group, A TYLin Company, in Spain (roadway and drainage design), to deliver the award-winning project.

The IH-35 NEX corridor, the Texas Department of Transportation initiated the USD$1.45 billion project to construct a viaduct and add three traffic lanes in each direction. The scope of the project includes designing and constructing 21.8 miles of viaduct, two interchanges, and more piping for the drainage system. To successfully integrate the complex bridge structure with existing utilities and infrastructure, the team needed a collaborative 3D technology solution.

The team chose ProjectWise and the Bentley iTwin platform to improve information exchange and develop a digital twin. Using Bentley’s applications with the model, we performed clash detection to eliminate 3,530 collisions, identified and resolved visibility issues, and provided the construction team with precise material information, saving significant time and costs.

View the complete project presentation

Congratulations to the entire design team!

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