T.Y. Lin International's Dennis Blaschke, AIA, Wins 2020 Outstanding Contributions to Architecture Achievement Award from Society of American Military Engineers Charleston Post

T.Y. Lin International (TYLI), a globally recognized full-service infrastructure consulting firm, announces that Dennis Blaschke, AIA, TYLI Senior Design Architect, Project Manager, and Facilities Architecture Manager, was honored with the 2020 Outstanding Contributions to Architecture Achievement Award from the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Charleston Post. Blaschke accepted the award virtually at the inaugural SAME Annual Achievement Awards Program on January 13, 2021.
The annual Outstanding Contributions to Architecture Achievement Award acknowledges a SAME member who has made "eminent and notable contributions to the field of architecture in the last five years," exhibited leadership in multi-disciplined government projects, and upheld SAME's mission to "build leaders and lead collaboration among government and industry to develop multi-disciplined solutions." This local Post Award also nominates Blaschke for an Urbahn Medal for distinguished performance in the field of architecture, a SAME National Award named in honor of Max O. Urbahn, AIA.
As an active member of SAME and the American Institute of Architects (AIA) for over 20 years, Blaschke was recognized specifically for his participation on several large regional TYLI projects in multiple public sectors. These include the Hugh Leatherman & Wando Welch Terminal Buildings for the South Carolina Ports Authority, the Grace Homes Affordable Housing Project for the Housing Authority of Charleston, and the South Carolina Aeronautical Training Center for Trident Technical College.
Blaschke joined TYLI in 2009 and has over 25 years of experience in the architecture/engineering (AE) industry. His portfolio includes multiple AIA Design Awards, LEED Certified Buildings, and dozens of projects with over $20M construction value. He has deep expertise in the design and management of a wide variety of Facilities architecture, mixed-use urban design, and federal, state, and municipal government projects.
Among Blaschke's significant Facilities projects for TYLI in the Southeast U.S., he is currently Project Manager and Design Architect for the Terminal Annex Master Plan for the Charleston County Aviation Authority, the Cradle of Forestry Renovation for the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service, and several U.S. Postal Service Main Post Office Facility Renovations across the nation.
Additional federal and state clients he has recently served through the TYLI Facilities Group include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army Reserves, U.S. Air Force & Reserves, Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) and U.S. Navy, United States Department of Veterans Affairs, National Park Service, Florida Department of Transportation (DOT), Washington State DOT, South Carolina National Guard, and South Carolina Office of State Engineer.
A Registered Architect in multiple states, Blaschke is an active member of the American Planning Association and AIA, where he serves on the South Carolina State Board's Resilience Task Force. He received a Bachelor of Environmental Design from Texas A&M University in College Station and both a Master of Architecture Degree and a Master of City & Regional Planning Degree from Clemson University in South Carolina.
Blaschke is the fifth great-grandson of James Hoban, Architect of the White House and Superintendent of the U.S. Capitol. He has been a guest speaker and lecturer internationally on Federal architecture and Ethics in Architecture.
Blaschke's public involvement in recent years includes serving as the Emergency Services Officer for the Civil Air Patrol - Charleston Squadron, a Reserve Officer and Post-Disaster Building Evaluator for the South Carolina State Guard - Engineering Command, a volunteer for local community organizations such as the Boy Scouts of America, Trident United Way, Habitat for Humanity, East Cooper Meals on Wheels, and a coach for the Mount Pleasant Recreation Department.
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