Neighborhood Bike Networks

TYLin has provided planning, engineering, and in-house staff support to the City of Chicago’s Bicycle Program within the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) in Chicago, Illinois, since 1997.
TYLin is currently working with CDOT to bring bikeways to neighborhoods not currently well served by Chicago’s existing bike network. This network expansion coincides with a citywide expansion of Chicago’s Divvy bike share system. Together, these efforts will expand biking throughout Chicago, giving more people safer and more convenient options to get around by bike.
Expanding any bike network requires more than a standardized approach. Every neighborhood has different opportunities, challenges, and perceptions of biking. Therefore, different strategies are required for different neighborhoods.
It is also not enough to add bike lanes to limited areas. A neighborhood will not experience the benefits of biking until people have convenient access to desired locations.
In 2021, TYLin helped CDOT develop a planning and engagement process for rapid network expansion in Chicago through Neighborhood Bike Networks. TYLin and CDOT convened neighborhood taskforces and engaged community leaders in three westside neighborhoods previously designated as High Crash Areas in the Vision Zero Chicago Action Plan.
Soon after, a plan was developed for 45 miles of connected bikeways in these neighborhoods to be implemented in 2021 and 2022.
Following project identification, TYLin oversaw their implementation. By the end of 2021, nearly half of the 45 miles of projects were installed, including low-stress protected bike lanes and neighborhood routes. The remaining projects are scheduled for installation in 2022.
Project Highlights:
- TYLin is helping CDOT expand the Neighborhood Bike Network process to more neighborhoods, continuing the rapid expansion of Chicago’s bike network.
- TYLin’s planning services include analyzing existing conditions, network planning, and coordination with stakeholders and local aldermen.
- Engineering Services included program management, design review, and construction coordination.
- Construction engineering
- Structural engineering
- Project management
- Construction management
- Traffic modeling