Joe Teusch

Joe Teusch
Joe Teusch, PE
Water Sector Manager, Central Area

Joe collaborates with water and wastewater utility leaders to tailor the right technical solutions to improve the quality life in our communities.

With more than 25 years of experience in the fields of water and wastewater engineering, Joe’s experience includes planning, design and construction services for wastewater collection systems, pumping and treatment as well as water master planning, distribution and treatment projects. He has led numerous multi-million-dollar projects including the design of many types of trenchless technologies for water and sewer mains and gravity interceptor sewers. These include cured-in-place pipe (CIPP), shotcrete, pipe bursting, horizontal directional drilling, jack and bore, and segmental sliplining. Joe has assisted communities with traditional and non-traditional project delivery methods with various funding mechanisms, including State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan program.  

Areas of Expertise  

  • Wastewater treatment and conveyance 
  • Collection systems 
  • Water treatment, pumping and distribution 
  • Planning for water and wastewater systems to develop capital improvement plans 

Professional Affiliations  

  • American Water Works Association 
  • Water Environment Federation 
  • Indiana Water Environment Association