Princeton University Art Museum

TYLin provided structural engineering services for a new 144,000-square-foot building that roughly doubles the available space for the university's vast collections.
Ground level walkways, generous terraces, and multiple entrances enhance connections between building and site. TYLin served as the structural engineer of record for the base building, modifications to remaining site structures, and site walls. The superstructure is steel-framed with concrete on metal deck; concrete shear walls and braced frames provide lateral resistance.
The three-story building’s most structurally ambitious architectural features are its western pavilion galleries, which cantilever in multiple directions. TYLin utilized perimeter trusses and concrete walls below to provide lateral stiffness and gravity support. Large glulam beams, arranged in a grid and joined by custom steel plate connections, support the roofs of both the eastern and western galleries.
Other noteworthy structural work included numerous column transfers and supports for a complex facade that uses both pre-cast panels and glazing. TYLin coordinated with the facade manufacturer and consultant on deflection values and assisted the construction team with facade sequencing.
Image credit: Courtesy of Adjaye Associates