
Keswick South

Keswick South

Keswick, Ontario
Keswick South

TYLin provided a Schedule ‘B’ Class Environmental Assessment, detailed design, inspection, and contract administration for the Keswick South water and wastewater project in Keswick, Ontario, Canada.

The project included 14 watermain valve chambers, 11 forcemain chambers, a siphon, and hydraulic and transient analysis of the forcemains.  

TYLin also led the detailed design, inspection, and contract administration for the road reconstruction, which included widening Woodbine Avenue from a three-lane rural cross section to a five-lane urban/rural cross section. 


  • TYLin oversaw property acquisition, permits and approvals, utility relocations, and contractor prequalification.  
  • The watermain included four connections to the existing and future local distribution system, a cut-in connection to the 600-millimetre ductile iron watermain at the reservoir, and a connection to the existing 750-millimetre-diameter plug.  
  • After poor soils were encountered along two kilometers of the project, a surcharge load program was implemented to induce settlement in the widened sections prior to pavement construction.
  • The project included a 10-metre widening of a 21-metre-span bridge carrying a 600-millimetre watermain and two 500-millimetre forcemains across the Maskinonge River.
  • To ensure project success, TYLin coordinated closely with all stakeholders, including the Regional Municipality of York, the Town of Georgina, the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, the Ministry of Transportation, utility companies, and adjacent developers.
  • The project was completed by The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd (TMIG), now doing business as TYLin.  


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