Lightweight Structures

Pre-Engineered Systems

Since the 1980s, the Lightweight Structures Group has designed and engineered building solutions and products from rental pole-tent systems like the Anchor Century, and the Eureka! Genesis to frame systems like the Titan II system for Cover-All.

We have also worked designed camping tents, fabric lighting systems, and furniture systems. Using state-of-the-art FE technology in form finding, analysis, and patterning, LSG can work from a blue-sky condition or provide shape optimization and structural analyses.

Clients include Anchor Industries, Armbruster Manufacturing, Canobbio Textile Architecture, Cover-All Building Systems, Hoecker Structures, Johnson Outdoors, Legacy Building Solutions, Losberger US, Remsburg, and Sprung Structures.

Leadership + People

Nic Goldsmith
Nic Goldsmith
Founding Director, Lightweight Structures Group
Ashish Soni
Design Director, Lightweight Structures Group