Branch Park Pavilion at Mueller Development

On Saturdays within the Branch Park Pavilion, the Mueller Farmers Market spills beyond the building walls and into the adjacent park.
This versatile park building becomes the center of the community, with families and vendors enjoying the robust market and the park beyond.
The beautifully crafted structure is composed of a symmetrical concrete colonnade supporting an articulated steel roof above. All columns are inset from the perimeter walls, allowing for a tall envelope of steel and glass curtainwall. White brick boxes periodically interrupt the curtainwall for restrooms, mechanical rooms and a catering space. The entire architectural composition is modern and refined.
The building becomes more sophisticated in the evening hours. Glowing from within, the pavilion welcomes a multiple of events to an upscale evening. A private wedding, a seated dinner or a large reception may be on tap with the adjacent park always available for an outdoor venture.
Size: 19,000 SF
Architect: Lawrence Group Architects
Image Credit: Leonid Furmansky