Dan Ryan Expressway

TYLin prepared the complete Phase II plans, specifications, and contract documents for the reconstruction of the south section of the Dan Ryan Expressway (I-94) in Chicago, Illinois.
The project, for the Illinois Department of Transportation, improved traffic flow and alleviated congestion on a major expressway linking the southern region of Chicago and northwestern Indiana to the Chicago Central Area. Carrying 275,000 vehicles daily, the Dan Ryan Expressway is one of the world’s busiest highways.
TYLin’s design section was approximately five miles of the overall 11-mile reconstruction project. The section extended from Halsted Street on I-57 (west leg) and Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive on the Bishop Ford Expressway (east leg) through the I-57/Bishop Ford/Dan Ryan Expressway Interchange north to 71st Street.
Project Highlights:
- TYLin’s reconstruction plans for the south section consisted of 35 separate sets of contract documents.
- Extensive staging plans were required in an interchange area to keep the required number of lanes open during various stages and all lanes open for the winter stage, which occurred in the middle of the construction schedule.
- TYLin’s project included:
- Reconstruction of eight northbound and southbound mainline lanes
- Addition of a northbound and southbound auxiliary lane
- Reconstruction of connecting ramps to frontage roads for improved geometrics
- A new highway drainage collector system
- A new, custom-designed high-mast lighting system and signage
- Removal or rehabilitation of retaining walls
- Construction of 31 new retaining walls
- Advanced installation of 27 separate storm sewer laterals, from 21 inches to 48 inches in diameter
- Construction of 6,300 feet of water main and 2,500 feet of combined sanitary/storm sewer relocation
- Protection slabs for existing water mains and sewers in proximity to the final pavement surface
- Maintenance of traffic plans
- Packaging of final plans and documents
- Project coordination with multiple design consultants
- Structural engineering
- Construction Engineering
- Maintenance of Traffic
- Repair and Rehabilitation
- Project management
- Construction management