
East New York Family Academy

East New York Family Academy

Brooklyn, New York
United States
East New York Family Academy

TYLin provided structural engineering services for a new public school building in Brooklyn, New York.

This new 600-seat intermediate and high school is also known as I.S./H.S. 599K. Interior spaces include classrooms, science labs, a library, a gymnatorium, a cafeteria and kitchen, offices, and support spaces. The steel-framed superstructure uses cross-braced bays for lateral loads. Open-web steel joists were utilized at the gymnatorium roof to achieve long clear spans.

Scope on this project also included a structural conditions assessment and full renovation of an existing one-story natatorium that was incorporated into the new building design. Located to the north of the five-story school, the pool building has a roof structure consisting of glulam arches spaced at 16 feet on center.

Image credit: Josh Simpson