Lead Service Line Audit

TYLin has been serving Illinois American Water Company to audit their lead service lines for compliance with the Illinois EPA Lead and Copper Rule Sampling Program.
This program involves confirming the service line material for 3,000 Lead and Copper Sample sites, conducting a survey, verifying service records, and compiling data into one manageable location. The changes to the lead and copper rule at a state level necessitated the verification of service line materials prior to sampling in 2021. The updated rules required the utility verify service line material – lead, copper, copper with/without lead solder, and other. Additional information about the homes and services was collected through a survey.
Potholing was done in multiple areas to physically find lead service lines and available records were searched for other areas. Our team of eight inspectors worked with multiple contractors in nine different areas around the state to inspect and field verify this service line material for multiple customers. Our team was able to update the data collection system with the confirmed information to update the inventory for these sites.
By utilizing multiple methods of phone calls, mail and electronic submission for data collection, our team was able to reach a broad area quickly and collect a large amount of data regarding customers, age of homes, filter systems and interior plumbing. While this seems like a simple task, all data had to be collected, sorted and reviewed in a short three and a half months. This was accomplished through teamwork and constant communication with all team members. When we did not find lead service lines at some locations, we researched our information to get our team mobilized for more potholing. While this was being done, our office staff was able to collect and enter data into the database at the same time creating a seamless process for the client.
Project Highlights
- Confirmed locations of lead service lines enabled development of lead service line removal plan.
- Provided proactive customer outreach to verify lead service lines.
- Fast tracked inventory process to meet regulatory compliance timeline.