Lead Service Line Inventory Program

TYLin is serving as Program Manager to develop an inventory of lead service lines and get the lead out across the State of Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania American Water Company retained TYLin to manage water service line information for over 700,000 customers. To assist homeowners in identifying their service lines and collecting the data needed, the project team is facilitating customer outreach using postcard mailers, phone calls, emails and door hangers staff in the communities across the State. The information collected is the initial step in the lead service line replacement program and will serve as the basis for planning the replacement of lead service lines across the State of Pennsylvania.
Working with the Pennsylvania American Water Company, we developed an outreach program including consistent messaging, featuring a “hero image” so that the program would be easy to recognize. A toll-free number was established for customers to call with questions or concerns. We utilized a QR code so that customers identify their service lines and upload a photo for documentation. This same process allows a customer to ask a question or seek assistance if they are unable to identify their service line material. A QR code is included on all outreach material and has resulted in data being collected every day and decreased to cost to collect customer information.
The data collection process developed for this project focuses on accuracy of data, efficient methods for collecting data and a quality control process. The accuracy of data is critical to the project. This data will be used for lead service line replacement and EPA reporting, but also for documentation of assets across the utility. The data collection process utilizes drop down menus to ensure consistency. Historical data collected from Contractors over 100 years shows that not everyone uses the same abbreviation when writing down information and handwriting can often create additional challenges. By utilizing and refining GIS and ESRI based tools, we are collecting consistent data on the size and material type of water service lines for thousands of customers. The field staff and the office staff all utilize the same process and technology to create a seamless process for data collection.

Project Highlights:
- Creating accurate lead service line inventory to prioritize replacement and document for EPA reporting.
- Providing proactive customer outreach to facilitate identification of lead service lines.
- Utilizing latest technology to collect consistent data.