MARTA’s Train Control and SCADA System Upgrade (TCSU) Project
TYLin serves as a specialty consultant for the replacement of the Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority’s (MARTA) Train Control and SCADA System in Atlanta, Georgia.
The new Train Control and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System (TCSS) monitors and controls Atlanta’s extensive heavy rail and associated traction power network. With the new TCSS, MARTA will be able to monitor and adjust schedule performance, manage congestion, and respond to incidents quickly and efficiently. Riders will benefit from reliable and timely service.
TYLin was responsible for the specification, proposal evaluation, contractor design review, and testing of the new TCSS central office equipment and its interfaces to field equipment and other MARTA operational support systems. Prior to the development of the specification, we completed a comprehensive Business Process Review (BPR) of the most critical rail control center processes. We examined and diagrammed MARTA’s current processes and recommended improvements based on these criteria:
- new control center staff and responsibilities
- the application of modern technology
- best industry practices
We diagrammed and reviewed process improvement revisions with MARTA management to arrive at a final design for the processes. The BPR, interviews, and visioning meetings guided the development of a comprehensive requirements matrix that listed every system requirement along with its priority, cost, and availability within industry offerings.
We currently serve as MARTA’s Subject Matter Expert, overseeing the contractor’s final design, implementation, factory testing, field testing, and training for the TCSS office systems. During the project implementation phase, we are supporting the TCSU Project Management Team. Scope includes reviewing and recommending changes to MARTA’s Standard Operating Procedures to reflect the modern technologies introduced by the TCSU project.
Project Highlights:
- We conducted “project vision” discussions with MARTA’s senior management to understand what each department head expects to see in the new TCSS system.
- The requirements matrix provided a solid basis for developing the conceptual design and subsequent technical specification, which launched detailed contract provisions for the central office portion of the system procurement.
- TYLin joined in the extensive proposal evaluation effort for the selection of the TCSS contractor.
- We also participated in change management activities to prepare system users for the TCSS and ease the transition to the new system.
- Master planning
- System integration
- Traffic engineering and management
- Intelligent transportation systems