
Mid-Coast Corridor Transit Project

Mid-Coast Corridor Transit Project

San Diego, California
United States
Mid Coast Transit

TYLin provided Project Management Consultant services, Federal Transit Administration (FTA) processing support, design reviews, and construction oversight for the Mid-Coast Corridor Transit Project in San Diego, California.

Completed through task orders under on-call contracts with the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), the Mid-Coast Corridor Transit Project extended the San Diego Trolley system for 11 miles and added nine stations. The light-rail transit (LRT) project alleviates traffic congestion and improves access to growing employment, education, medical, residential, and tourism areas of the city.

The project included over six miles of on-grade alignment and more than four miles of elevated guideway. The extension runs from the Old Town Transit Center north along the I-5 corridor, through the University of California, San Diego campus and ends near a regional shopping center and major employment area in San Diego’s University City community.

For much of its length, the exclusive, double-track LRT alignment shares the San Diego Northern Railway corridor right-of-way (ROW). Owned by the Metropolitan Transit System, the ROW is used by the COASTER commuter rail, Amtrak Intercity Rail, and Burlington Northern Santa Fe freight rail. 
The Mid-Coast Corridor Transit Project included four at-grade stations, three with surface parking, and five aerial stations. The last aerial station is the terminal structure that integrates with a new transit center and shared parking structure. Other new structures for the project included walls, bridges, and a cut-and-cover tunnel.

As Project Management Consultant (PMC), TYLin provided a wide range of services, such as final design oversight and review, development of contract documents for construction, contractor oversight, project administration, document control, and project controls. 

Additional services included the review of cost estimates, negotiation of Guaranteed Maximum Price for various construction packages, documentation of project changes, environmental permitting, third-party agreements, and ROW acquisition. 

The San Diego Trolley extension opened for revenue service on time and on budget.

Project Highlights:

  • Early in the program, TYLin served as an extension of SANDAG staff, providing PMC support services during the Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Review and Clearance Phase of the project. 
  • TYLin assisted with FTA New Starts submittals and other submittals, working with FTA staff and the Program Management Oversight Consultant. 
  • The project was delivered using the Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) alternative delivery method, with TYLin assisting in the selection of the CM/GC contractor.
  • Several new traction power substations were added along the new double track alignment. As part of the project, systems and TPSS modifications or replacements were also upgraded along an additional 3.5 miles of existing double track.
  • TYLin coordinated with other major capital projects along the corridor, as well as issues associated with sensitive areas, such as the San Diego River and Tecolote and Rose Creeks.
  • Extensive coordination was required with numerous utilities throughout the corridor.


Mid Coast Transit
Project of the Year, 2021
California Transportation Foundation (CTF)

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