
Move DSM Transportation Master Plan

Move DSM Transportation Master Plan

Des Moines, Iowa
United States
Street typologies graphic from Move DSM plan

TYLin partnered with the City of Des Moines to develop its first ever citywide master transportation plan and re-envision how the City thinks about, plans for, designs, and manages its streets.

TYLin developed a street typology system for Des Moines that complements the City’s future land use goals, considers each street’s role in the overall network, and enables people to travel safely and efficiently using all modes. To help prioritize funding and build support for transportation investments, TYLin established achievable milestones for completing the highest priority gaps in the sidewalk network and the most impactful segments of the core bike network.

To complement the plan and establish a clear process for project development that adequately addresses the holistic needs of a street, TYLin also updated the City’s Complete Streets policy to codify the City’s new vision. All of Move DSM’s recommendations have been informed by in-depth analysis and multimedia community and stakeholder engagement.