
Outside the Lines

Outside the Lines

Atlanta, Georgia
United States
Outside the Lines

TYLin provided structural engineering services for a temporary pavilion at the High Museum of Art.

Designed with neurodiverse individuals and people with disabilities in mind, this pavilion provided an inclusive, immersive, and playful experience on the Carroll Slater Sifly Piazza. Thousands of colorful heavyweight polypropylene strands were suspended from a 70-foot-long curved steel structure, defining a series of curtained zones and seating areas that were supported by the same steel.

TYLin worked with the architect and fabricator to develop a filigree consisting of a network of straight and curved steel pipes. This structural network met all relevant durability criteria while also navigating unusual site-specific requirements. To streamline shipment and disassembly, the installation was divided into modules joined with detachable connections. The pavilion was ballasted by a series of steel plates that were optimized for each module’s irregular footprint, eliminating the need to permanently anchor the structure to the museum plaza.

As part of the design process, the firm also worked with the design team to explore a variety of different seating materials that could meet both aesthetic and performance requirements.

Image credit: Jonathan Hillyer

Outside the Lines
Best of Design Awards – Temporary Installation, Honorable Mention, 2021
Architect’s Newspaper