SuperLoop Bus Rapid Transit Project
TYLin provided preliminary engineering, community outreach support, the final design of Phase 1, and design support during construction of the SuperLoop Bus Rapid Transit Project in San Diego, California.
When the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) implemented the SuperLoop Bus Rapid Transit service (SuperLoop), TYLin served as the prime design firm under an On-Call contract. The project improves commuter service in the University City area of San Diego and provides a vital connection from nearby residential neighborhoods to several major destinations.
SANDAG constructed the SuperLoop project in two phases as part of its vision to address the region’s future transit needs, anticipate growth, and improve travel patterns in growing communities where public transit makes a difference.
Phase 1 developed the original route and constructed several new stations. Phase 2 expanded the route, added additional stations, and modified the Gilman Transit Center to accommodate more buses.
Phase 1 project enhancements included street modifications, transit signal prioritization, pedestrian and bicycle improvements, and more than a dozen stations along the completely new route. Station designs focused on aesthetics and passenger safety and comfort. The new stations include spacious station platforms, user-friendly wayfinding, seating, lighting, bike racks, and specially designed canopies.
Project Highlights:
- The SuperLoop supports the area’s new light rail transit (LRT) service by providing first- and last-mile service around the LRT stations.
- Through careful route planning, strategic station location, signal prioritization, and the use of dedicated lanes in select areas, TYLin’s designs improved travel times and operational efficiencies.
- Stations, street medians, and parking areas were enhanced with decorative paving materials and extensive landscaping.
- TYLin contributed to an extensive community outreach program.
- A customized SuperLoop logo and sign design are used at all stations.
- TYLin managed several subconsultants to ensure successful geotechnical engineering, survey and mapping, and landscape architecture design.
Public outreach
Mobility planning
Transportation system planning
Site development
Mobility design
Geological engineering
Structural engineering
Traffic signals
Signing and striping
Landscape and streetscape design
Project management