
Urban Mobility and Transport Plan for Guarujá

Urban Mobility and Transport Plan for Guarujá

Urban Mobility and Transport Plan of the Municipality of Guarujá

TYLin developed the urban mobility and transport plan for the municipality of Guarujá in Brazil.

All Brazilian cities with populations over 20,000 inhabitants are required to implement the Urban Mobility Plan, by Law No. 12,587 / 2012, establishing the National Policy of Urban Mobility - PNMU. Through the agreement signed with the Municipality of Guarujá, TYLin developed the Urban Mobility and Transport Plan, MOB, of the municipality of Guarujá.

Guarujá is located on the island of Santo Amaro, in the Metropolitan Region of Baixada Santista. It has a population of approximately 315,000 inhabitants.

The containers terminal of the Port of Santos is in Guarujá’s territory. There is intense logistical movement in conflict with the resident population. It is anticipated that the conflict will be aggravated by the expected expansion through the construction of Retroporto. The Origin / Destination (O/D) research of Baixada Santista (2007) revealed that 55% of journeys were made with non-motorized vehicles (on foot and bicycle).  

Project Highlights:

  • The Mobility Plan developed for Guarujá began with the diagnosis of the actual mobility conditions in the municipality.
  • TYLin implemented a program of transportation and traffic surveys that complemented the O / D research of the RMBS (Metropolitan Region of Baixada Santista) of 2011 with Smart Steps data.
  • The research resulted in proposed measures, projects, and actions related to road systems and circulation; collective transport; freight transport; pedestrian, bicycle, environmental, and urban aspects; and institutional organization and social participation.
