Verrado Zone 5 South Booster Pump Station and Chlorination Upgrades

TYLin partnered with EPCOR Arizona to design a new booster pump station to meet the needs of a growing community.
An increase in growth and development in the Verrado community (Buckeye, Arizona) prompted EPCOR Arizona to begin design services for a new Booster Pump Station (BPS). The BPS is planned to serve EPCOR’s pressure Zone 5 South and provide water service to a future BPS that will serve pressure Zone 6 South (Z6S). The new booster station is proposed to meet an average daily demand of 315 gpm, max day demand of 556 gpm, and fire flow demand of 1500 gpm. The proposed Verrado Z5S BPS will be co-located with the existing pressure zone 4 South (Z4S) BPS within the existing Agua Fria Water Plant 10 (WP 10) site. We provided services to develop and design alternatives to feasibly expand the existing WP 10 site for ease of operator operations and maintenance (O&M) and safety in mind.
Preliminary hydraulics and demands for the new Verrado Z5S BPS were determined in a recent water master plan update and are the basis for design of the Z5S BPS. To facilitate O&M activities, preliminary design aimed to standardize the Verrado Z4S BPS and Z5S BPS equipment as much as practical and feasible. The new Verrado Z5S BPS was equipped with vertical turbine (VT) pumps, each driven by a variable frequency drive (VFD). New electrical panels, motor control centers (MCCs), and VFDs planned to be housed within a new on-site electrical building. Evaluation of the on-site bulk sodium system was performed along with a study to provide comparisons of on-site hypochlorite generation versus bulk hypochlorite dosing.
Project Highlights:
- The new booster pump station will support growth and development.
- The project was designed with safety and ease of operation in mind for O&M.
- The team evaluated chlorination alternatives.