Port Mann Bridge, Highway 1 Project
Vancouver, British Columbia
Navy Pier Flyover Lakefront Trail
Chicago, Illinois
United States
I-10 Broadway Curve
Phoenix, Arizona
United States
PHL Runway 27 L Expansion and New Taxiways Project
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
United States
Ritz-Carlton Development Roadway Improvements
Paradise Valley, Arizona
United States
Whitney Museum of American Art
New York, New York
United States
Rehabilitation of the Joralemon Street Tunnel
New York, New York
United States
Panama Metro Line 2
Panama City
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library
Washington, DC
United States
California High-Speed Rail
United States
Dublin Link
Dublin, Ohio
United States
65 results
Domino Sugar Refinery
Brooklyn, New York
United States
Westview Office Building
Austin, Texas
United States
Tudor Cottage at Pease Park
Austin, Texas
United States
Stephen’s Central – Tom Green Public Library System
San Angelo, Texas
United States
St. Edward’s University Chapel
Austin, Texas
United States
Oso Climbing Gym
Dallas, Texas
United States
Hutto Cotton Gin
Hutto, Texas
United States
Hughes Warehouse
San Antonio, Texas
United States
Goliad Custodian’s Cottage
Goliad, Texas
United States
Browning Hanger Renovation at Mueller Airport
Austin, Texas
United States
The Russell B. Aitken Seabird Aviary, Bronx Zoo
New York, New York
United States
The Ruane Friar Center at Providence College
Providence, Rhode Island
United States