
RTC-SNV Facilities Master Plan and Zero Emission Fleet Project

RTC-SNV Facilities Master Plan and Zero Emission Fleet Project

Las Vegas, Nevada
United States

TYLin is leading the Zero Emission Transition Plan, Facility Master Plan, and project development to transition the transit bus fleet in Las Vegas, Nevada to zero-emission vehicles.

Working with the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC-SNV), TYLin is leading the switch to battery electric bus (BEB) and hydrogen fuel cell electric bus (FCEB) service. The strategy will provide air quality, health, and economic benefits.

TYLin is analyzing facility operations and capacity for the build out of maintenance facilities and transit centers. Our team is developing concepts to transition the Sunset and Integrated Base Maintenance Facilities to a BEB, FCEB, or mixed zero-emission vehicle fleet. TYLin is also evaluating converting RTC-SNV’s paratransit and non-revenue vehicle fleet to zero emissions.

As part of this project, TYLin will conduct an industry state-of-the-practice review of BEB and FCEB fleets. For each maintenance base, TYLin will develop a service, fleet, and fuel assessment; redundancy, resiliency, and recovery plan; total cost of ownership model; and evaluation of agency maintenance operations and logistics for revenue and non-revenue fleets, including paratransit and specialty services.

Project Highlights:

  • The team is working with RTC-SNV leadership to develop a long-range Fleet Transition and Facility Master Plan.
  • TYLin is examining system improvements that will achieve or maintain existing LEED ratings.
  • The effort requires a Zero Emission Vehicle transition plan for entire revenue and non-revenue service to BEB and FCEB.
  • TYLin is providing site and facility project development for BEB and FCEB.


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