Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Line

TYLin was the tunnel consultant for the Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Line in Hanoi, Vietnam.
The Hanoi Pilot Light Metro Line, section Nhon – Hanoi Railway Station, is a critical project to ease traffic congestion and reduce emissions in the capital city of Hanoi. The first phase of this line extends from Nhon to Hanoi Railway Station. It includes 8.5 kilometers of elevated stretch and 4 kilometers underground, from which 2.57 kilometers is a twin-bored tunnel with a 6.3-meter diameter excavated by an Earth Pressure Balance (EPB) Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM).
TYLin provided insight into the detailed design of the tunnel segmental lining, connection galleries, ventilation shaft, and the necessary ground treatments. TYLin provided management and follow-up on the Geotechnical Baseline Report and additional campaign, as well as completed the Building Risk Assessment and set the Monitoring Plan for the civil works and existing buildings.