Lock E-6 Rehabilitation

TYLin was retained as the Prime Consultant for the rehabilitation of Lock E-6 on the Erie Canal in Waterford, New York.
Lock E-6 is the highest in a series of five locks that allow for a navigable connection between the Hudson River and the Mohawk River. This “flight of locks” represents the largest elevation change over the shortest distance (only 1.5 miles) of any canal system in the world.
The project included an in-depth structural inspection of the lock chambers, approach walls, and dockage, as well as the development of a Canal Rehabilitation Report, preparation of final plans, specifications, and cost estimate.
TYLin oversaw extensive concrete restoration within the lock chamber and approach walls, including inspection, evaluation, and remedial design of the steel-lined filling culverts. Work also included rehabilitation and replacement of the electrical and mechanical equipment for the valves and gate operating machinery.
Project Highlights:
- New Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) were installed, requiring extensive coordination with the mechanical equipment, operator’s shelters, lock house displays, hydraulic power units, and hydraulic cylinders.
- Relay equipment was installed to monitor all the activities, including Temposonic Positioning, which utilized valuable space within the valve wells.
- All miter gates, walking bridges, and railings were designed and replaced.
- An adjacent flow control culvert was renovated, which included concrete restoration and replacement of existing sluice gates.
- Utility improvements included a new water service and septic system.
- New restroom facilities and park improvements were also designed for this project.
- Rehabilitation and inspection
- Conditions assessment
- Studies
- Construction inspection
- Structural engineering
- Construction engineering
- Mechanical, electrical and control systems
- Utilities
- Construction management