Tocumen International Airport Expansion Program

TYLin served as the Lead Landside and Airside Design Engineer for the Tocumen International Airport Expansion Program in Panama City, Panama.
The project modernized Central America’s busiest airport by adding a 116,000-square-meter terminal and 20 gates, along with infrastructure upgrades for larger aircraft to increase capacity.
TYLin’s scope of work comprised numerous improvements to the airport landside and airside transportation infrastructure, as well as extensive utility works.
Landside improvements included adding multimodal transportation facilities to support the new, signature terminal building. These facilities consisted of four miles of roadway corridor, terminal upper and lower vehicular drives, two roundabouts, and a partial cloverleaf interchange connection to the existing highway system.
TYLin also designed a new jet fuel system for Terminal 2 that placed fuel hydrants for each gate and a looped jet fuel pipeline from the new terminal to the fuel storage facility. The system includes a new 5,000 gallons per minute fuel pump station and three new 25,000-barrel fuel storage tanks.
On the airside, the project included 20 aircraft parking contact positions and seven remote aircraft positions, as well as a “2 narrow body for 1 wide body” parallel taxiway system.
TYLin’s utility design included the installation, integration, and relocation of water mains, sewer mains, a water treatment plant, and 14,000 linear feet of 36-inch-diameter regional sewer collector main. The project also added a new utility and energy center.
Additionally, an integrated ground transportation system was developed to merge new and existing terminal roadways, service roads, bus terminal, cargo and delivery areas, and rental car and parking facilities.
Project Highlights:
- TYLin’s design for the airside improvements ensure the flexibility and efficiency of aircraft operations in and out of the terminal area.
- Landside drainage works included areawide surface water management and the relocation, diversion, and channelization of 1.2 miles of the Tocumen River.
- The “2 narrow body for 1 wide body” parallel taxiway system is a first in Panama.
- The use of more durable asphalt and concrete for the integrated ground transportation system set new milestones in Panama and Central America.
- Transportation system planning
- Civil engineering
- Structural engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Construction engineering
- Project management