
Sellwood Bridge Replacement Breaks Ground in Portland, Oregon

Sellwood Bridge Replacement Breaks Ground in Portland, Oregon

Project News
Project Milestones

Multnomah County, Oregon’s Sellwood Bridge Replacement project (Sellwood Bridge) broke ground on Friday, December 16, 2011 in a ceremony attended by U.S. and Oregon Department of Transportation officials, State of Oregon, Multnomah County, City of Portland and TriMet representatives, interested citizens, and design team members.

Under a Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) contract, T.Y. Lin International is serving as the Prime Consultant for Final Design for the new $270M Sellwood Bridge. This includes project management, stakeholder and public involvement, main span and detour bridge structural design, miscellaneous structural design, quality assurance and quality control for the design team, federal/state/land use permitting support, and roadway and traffic design support.

The current three-span continuous deck truss bridge will be moved 40 feet to the north of its current location and used as a detour while the new Sellwood Bridge is being built. The new bridge is expected to be open for traffic in 2015.

On December 12, 2011, the Federal government awarded the Sellwood Bridge project a TIGER Grant, adding $17.7M to the project coffers. Polly Trottenberg, U.S. Department of Transportation Undersecretary, attended the ceremony and presented the grant, in the form of a symbolic check, to Deborah Kafoury, Multnomah County Commissioner.

For more information about the project, please visit