Reservoir and Booster Pump Station Rehabilitation Program

TYLin led and completed DWSD’s Reservoir Inspection and Repair Program Management project quickly and efficiently to meet DWSD’s need to rehabilitate its reservoirs and booster pumping stations to maintain water quality.
The program team provided study, condition assessment, design, long-term planning and program management for Detroit’s potable water transmission, pumping and storage system that serves approximately 4 million customers, 86 wholesale customers and an average daily capacity of 750 MGD and peak hour delivery capacity of approximately 2,000 MGD. Under the program, over 300 field inspections were performed, and design and management services completed for 16 reservoirs and 8 booster pumping stations within 7 years.
The program design tasks included identification of task order scopes, preliminary design, detailed and final design, and construction support services. Regular meetings and workshops were held to coordinate the schedule with on-going utility projects and obtain input into design submittals. For each design, we coordinated with local authorities having jurisdiction including Wayne County, City of Detroit Departments including Building and Safety Engineering and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. Upon completion of design tasks, the rehabilitation and repair work were completed through construction contracts held under the program. As the program manager, we advertised the procurements, received and opened the bids in a public forum, awarded the contract and oversaw the construction activities.

Project Highlights
- Program management
- Sequencing of rehabilitation work with multiple facilities and projects
- Repair and rehabilitation of water storage reservoirs