
T.Y. Lin International Wins 2020 ACEC New York Platinum Award for I-690 over Teall Avenue and Beech Street Bridge Replacements Project

T.Y. Lin International Wins 2020 ACEC New York Platinum Award for I-690 over Teall Avenue and Beech Street Bridge Replacements Project

T.Y. Lin International Wins 2020 ACEC New York Platinum Award for I-690 over Teall Avenue and Beech Street Bridge Replacements Project

T.Y. Lin International (TYLI), a globally recognized full-service infrastructure consulting firm, announces that the I-690 over Teall Avenue and Beech Street Bridge Replacements design-build project has been selected by the American Council of Engineering Companies New York (ACEC New York) as a Platinum Award winner in the 2020 Engineering Excellence Awards Competition. The project won in Category H: Transportation. The ACEC New York Engineering Excellence Awards recognize projects for complexity, innovation, and value to society. A panel of industry experts judged entries from more than 60 firms.

TYLI was the lead consultant on the $65.6 million New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) project in the City of Syracuse, New York. The design-build team not only demolished and replaced the bridges carrying I-690 over Teall Avenue and Beech Street with gateway structures but also utilized innovative technology to eliminate 1,500 feet of viaduct and all the costly maintenance that went with it.

The I-690 over Teall Avenue and Beech Street Bridge Replacements project was completed ahead of schedule. The project improved safety and operational conditions; introduced extensive aesthetic treatments; widened and reconstructed I-690 to provide three lanes in each direction and standard acceleration and deceleration lanes; widened and realigned exit and entrance ramps at Teall Avenue; established approaches; and reconstructed the Teall Avenue intersections with connecting streets/highways.

Award winners will be recognized at a black-tie gala on April 4, 2020, in the ballroom of the Hilton Midtown in New York, New York.

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