Brightline Repair and Maintenance Facilities

TYLin provided the D-B bridging documents for Brightline’s West Palm Beach Running Repair Facility (RRF) and the final design of the Vehicle Maintenance Facility (VMF) in Orlando, Florida.
TYLin was responsible for the development of the preliminary design, design criteria, specifications, and technical support to establish the design-build (D-B) bridging documents for the new Brightline intercity passenger rail system’s facilities.
For Brightline’s newly introduced 240‐mile intercity passenger rail operation, the new RRF serves as the primary maintenance facility for the initial operating segment from Miami to West Palm Beach. The RRF will be transformed into a layover and light maintenance facility as operations expand to include the entire 240‐mile system.
The four‐track maintenance includes a full gauge‐width pit on the service and inspection track and a partial pit and portable jacking slab on the second service track. Two tracks are used for fueling, housekeeping, and portable train washing.
The new VMF serves as the ultimate maintenance facility for the entire rail operation and includes five maintenance tracks. It is equipped with full/partial length pits and jacking capabilities in addition to other tracks for separate on-site automated train wash and wheel truer facilities. Other facilities include housekeeping, fueling, sanding, water, waste, and other operations.
Project Highlights:
- The bridging documents were instrumental for Brightline to select the best D-B team for these facilities.
- The RRF includes parts storage, shop areas, emergency generators, crew welfare facilities, and operations offices.
- The VMF was phased for an initial function for a smaller train set, with the ability for build out to the ultimate facility designed to accommodate ten 12‐unit train sets, including diesel engines on both ends and nine coach cars.
- Master planning
- Maintenance yards and terminals
- Track design and alignment
- Structural engineering