
Clean Rivers Project

Clean Rivers Project

Washington, DC
United States
dc water clean rivers

Greeley and Hansen, A TYLin Company, serves as Program Manager for the implementation of the Long-Term Control Plan for DC Water, which is called the DC Clean Rivers Project.

The program comprises multiple, inter-related and complex projects, including large hydraulic structures, diversion structures and sewers, microtunnels, storage/ conveyance tunnels, including approximately 18 miles of 23-foot diameter tunnel, drop shafts, two pumping stations, and multiple other structures. The program, with a budget of approximately $3 billion, will be implemented over 25 years in accordance with a consent decree. 

The program is being implemented pursuant to a Federal Consent Decree over the period 2005 – 2030. The Greeley and Hansen team has led the program to successfully achieve all of the more than 65 consent decree milestones required to date and placed in operation approximately $2 billion of constructed facilities. The multi-year DC Clean Rivers LTCP Program has required that a myriad of design and construction milestones to be achieved and validated to EPA for multiple projects in accordance with DC Water’s consent decrees and tight program schedule. Through thoughtful and careful planning, scheduling, coordination and tracking, the team has laid out and implemented a multi-contract approach which has allowed various projects to proceed in parallel with multiple design-build teams participating, applying their skills and bringing their resources to move each project to completion. In addition, strategic elements such as the relocation of utilities were separated and implemented as individual construction contracts in sequence. The program team in coordination with utility companies designed and constructed the utilities relocation contract while the Northeast Boundary Tunnel (NEBT) Procurement phase was proceeding. This strategy allowed the NEBT design-build team to fast track into tunnel design and construction planning. 

In the program, Greeley and Hansen developed a green infrastructure plan for the Rock Creek and Potomac watersheds, and implemented green infrastructure blended with gray infrastructure for greater capture of stormwater and diversion from the tunnels consistent with CSO Control Policy. Constructed green infrastructure includes bioretention facilities, permeable pavements and green roofs. The blended green and gray infrastructure met all Consent Decree requirements and increased affordability of the program and constructed facilities. 

Project Highlights: 

  • Management of the $3 billion capital improvement program 
  • Development of preliminary designs and alternative delivery guidance 
  • Procurement of final design and construction contracts 
  • Hydraulic analysis and design, hydraulic, surge, and transient modeling 
  • Facilities planning and design of facilities, including diversion structures and drop shafts 
  • Permitting acquisition, land, and easement acquisition 
  • Development of contract documents for design-build procurement for multiple tunnel contracts 
  • Risk management and cost estimating 
  • Public outreach 
  • Construction oversight management 
  • Program scheduling and controls 
  • NEPA assistance
clean river
clean rivers
2016 Water/Environment Project of Year Award, 2016
Engineering News Record (ENR)
Excellence in Dispute Avoidance and Resolution Award,
The Dispute Resolution Board Foundation
National Recognition Award,
The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)
Small Projects Grand Prize for “Greening Grey Infrastructure: A Lightweight Alternative to Upgrade the District’s Water Supply Facilities”, 2015
The American Academy of Environmental Engineers & Scientists
Tunnel Achievement Award, 2017
The Tunneling Short Course
Award of Distinction, 2012
Communicator Awards
Best Water/Environment Project, 2016
The Engineering News-Record (ENR) Mid-Atlantic
Award of Excellence, 2017
The National Capital Chapter of the American Concrete Institute
Engineering Excellence Merit Award in Design, 2014
The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)